The New Year number 2012 is right here........
And it is time for those New Year Resolutions everyone makes, and everyone swears they will keep...but never do.
MY Resolution is the same one I make every year...and that is-- "To only make ONE Resolution every year."
And I just made it.
But...I heard on the radio today about making Resolutions for OTHER people---people who obviously need them. So here are my Resolutions for other people:
*To my daughter, my granddaughter, and my grandson --
RESOLVE: To get off the damned pills, the pot and the food stamps. Get a job and show some adult responsibility!
*To Pres Hussein Obama --
RESOLVE: to resign immediately, return to Hawaii, and never be seen or heard from again!
*To all those crappy drivers who go too slow --
RESOLVE: to drive the speed limit, not 3, 4, 5, etc. mph below the posted limit!
*To Progressive Insurance Company --
RESOLVE: to get rid of that disgusting, nauseating, vomit-inducing, red-lipped piece of shit on your TV commercials!
*To anyone who has never seen or heard of Grace Helbig --
RESOLVE: to go to YouTube or MyDamnChannel and watch her daily Vlogs (video blogs)!
You won't be sorry!!