I finally broke down and bought a big screen TV even though my 10 year old Sharp 27" TV still had a great picture. But Wal-Mart had it on sale for $398, and I figured that was the cheapest one I could find without going to a pawn shop. I see where all plasmas are getting cheaper all the time; trying to get rid of the inventory no doubt.
And for the most part, I'm pretty happy with it so far. But there are a few things I'm not real crazy about.
The speakers don't seem to be very good. No matter how I adjust them, or go with the default settings, they just don't sound -- great. I would think that they would sound excellent, but they don't. Maybe Sanyo figured that whoever bought the TV would have a home theater system and wouldn't be using the built in speakers. I do have a HTS (but the middle speaker does't work anymore, and it's not the speaker itself, the system is just old). And it sounds good, but I don't want to use it all of the time.
Another thing I've noticed, which no one bothered to tell me, is that depending on the channel I'm watching, the picture quality varies from very good to kind of bad. The local channels seem to have very intense color saturation and it seems like there is just too much yellow. But if I adjust the color for those three stations, the others suffer.
One big selling point for plasma TVs is that the blacks are very black, which they are. But the whites are light gray, especially when most of the screen is white. I'm still tweaking the color balance, so maybe more blue and less green might help.
And I've noticed that some movies take up 75% to 80% of the screen, top to bottom, and some only 50%. All are 100% side to side.
But all in all, so far I guess I'm pretty happy with it. I really wanted an LCD or LED TV, but for the price I'm sure once I get used to it, it will be fine.