I keep hearing about how the oil speculators cause the prices of oil/gasoline to go up or down, but the way I see it, the oil companies (Exxon, Shell, BP, Chevron, etc.) are the ones who pump out the oil, refine it, and deliver it to retailers, so THEY are the ones who control the price of gas.So -- if the government REALLY wants to help the consumers they should tell these oil companies that they will immediately cut the price of gasoline delivered to retailers by at least $1 per gallon. And if they don't then they will be fined $1,000,000 PER DAY.
And if, after 30 days they haven't complied, then all the executives of these companies - the presidents, all the VPs, the CEOs, the CFOs, the COOs and all board members will be arrested and will stay in jail, and the fines will increase to $2,000,000 per day, until they do.
Also -- if the retailers don't follow suit and decrease their prices by the same amount, they will be fined $1,000 per day for 30 days, then the owners will be arrested and the fine will increase to $10,000 per day until THEY do.
So what if the oil companies don't make the $38,000,000,000 in profits like they did in 2011? I don't think they will suffer (and I'm quite sure the execs can afford the gas prices they jack up).