Of course being on a cable channel, and consequently not being seen by the large audiences that network channels get may have had something to do with it.
And it's a damned shame! Mary brought so much to the show, she should have been nominated for every award there was.
Mary played a U.S. marshal in the show, and she was part of the Albuquerque WitSec - the Witness Security Service, more commonly known as witness protection. Her name was Mary Shannon (aka Mary Sheppard when she needed to go "undercover") in the series.
In the fourth season, Mary in real life got pregnant with her third daughter and the pregnancy was written into the show, and she went into labor at the end of that season. So
I guess that is why the fifth season was only eight episodes long. No doubt she wanted to spend more time with her new daughter.
I saw Mary in two movies before I knew who she was - "Deep Impact" in 1998, and "K-Pax" in 2001. And it wasn't until I rewatched "Deep Impact" did I recognize her. She was in the last few seasons of "The West Wing" which I never watched. She also was in an episode of "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" in 2008 as Mary Shannon, so maybe it was a cross-over episode.
And she was in E.R. as a recurring character in six episodes from 2003 - 2006. (I've just now started on the E.R. series. I'm only in season two, so it will be a long time before I get to season nine).
Mary is currently filming a new comedy series called "Welcome to the Family" to air this fall.
For more pictures of Mary --