Went to see the latest Bourne movie - "The Bourne Legacy."
I hate to say it, but it wasn't nearly as good as I expected. It moved rather slowly during the first half of the movie - setting up for the big finish. And it was almost boring.
The new guy was Aaron Cross, and in the first part of the movie we see him crossing icy streams and mountains in Alaska, with no explanation of why until later.
Interspersed with that we see scenes of people in charge of the Treadstone Project and Operation Blackbriar worried to death about being exposed.
(I suggest you rewatch "The Bourne Ultimatum" - the previous movie, to understand what the hell is going on.)
And it's all kind of tedious.
But the movie picks up when the beautiful Rachel Weisz shows up and "they" try to kill her, with Cross coming to her rescue seemingly out of nowhere.
There is an exciting motorcycle chase with Cross and Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel) being chased by Manila cops and being hunted by an assassin sent by "them" at the same time.
Of course Cross and Marta get away.
(SPOILER ALERT! Whoops, too late!).
If there had been more action during the first half of the movie it would have been SO MUCH better. As it is I can only give it 5 out of 10 stars. And I'm glad I only paid $5 to see it.
I have the first three Bourne movies on DVD, but I very seriously doubt if I'll buy this one when it comes out.