Sunday, August 5, 2012

"The Dark Knight Rises"

Went to see the newest Batman movie. And it was't bad (meaning it was good; not great, but worth the $5 I spent for the matinee. Doubt if I'd pay $10 to see it. I could have paid $9.50 for the 3-D IMAX viewing, but didn't).

It ran over two hours, and they went by pretty fast. The action was pretty good, and even the slow part were interesting. I think I like Christian Bale as Batman over the others (Michael Keaton, George Clooney or Val Kilmer). But maybe it's just because it's the last one I've seen.

The regulars were there - Michael Caine (Alfred) and Morgan Freeman (Fox), and Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman). And they all were good. (Have you ever seen a movie when Morgan Freeman wasn't?)

Of course the newest addition was Cat Woman played by Anne Hathaway. I like Anne, she's pretty and she always does a good to excellent job in her roles. And she played Cat Woman as you would expect - self-serving until it was crunch time.

But, saying all that, I'm not sure if I would pay full price for the DVD. I've never been a big Batman fan. Maybe I just like my heroes with super powers.

I rate this a 7 out of 10.

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