Monday, December 17, 2012

The Newtown Murders

It's been about 3 days since those 20 kids and 6 adults were murdered in Newtown CT. And as tragic is it was hearing about it, when the photos of the victims were being posted, it just made it all the more horrific!

And so, once again, talk about gun control rears its head. But it will never happen!

There are just too many people who believe the right to own guns, whether they are pistols, shotguns, hunting rifles or assault rifles, is one that should never be questioned, despite that fact that so many innocent children, teens and adults are being murdered -- on a daily basis.

I'm not saying all guns should be banned. But why is there a need for rifles such as the AR-15, which were designed for only one purpose - to kill people? Or semi-automatic pistols with magazines that hold ten, fifteen, and more, bullets?

Rifles, shotguns and pistols should be registered. You have to register to vote, and to drive, and to own a boat, so why not to own a firearm?

And to all those assholes who say, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people," I say to you -- People with GUNS kill people!!

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