Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Fringe" - "Haven"

Another review page --

"Fringe" - I never watched "Fringe" when it was airing because it looked to be just like all the other strange goings-on shows, like The X-Files, Supernatural, etc.  But a guy at work bought the DVDs and loaned them to me.

At first I wasn't much impressed. The first few episodes were pretty much like every other WTOTW (Weird Thing of The Week) as in other shows of this genre, but once they got into the alternate universe episodes, with the alternate-but-same characters, it got interesting.

And the fourth season was the best for me, since both sides had to cooperate to find out who was trying to destroy both universes. But in the last episode, they had to close the bridge between worlds.

So in this final 5th season, they are about 20 years in the future trying to take back the world from the Observers. And so far I have been sorely disappointed.

I   WANT   the alternate universe stories back!!  
The very least the writers/producers could do is look in on the alternate-verse to see how everyone is doing.

One more thing - Olivia and Peter had a daughter, and for some reason, the writers named her Henrietta. And she is frequently called Etta, which I think is about the ugliest woman's name I can think of (with apologies to any woman named Etta). Maybe that's why they killed her off in only the third episode.

Hopefully, the stories will get better.

"Haven" - I surprised myself by watching this one because it is one of the WTOTW kind of show I normally don't watch. But so far I have really liked it (it is in the second season now).

The main character is Audrey Parker, played by the delightful Emily Rose. The premise of the show, set in Haven, Maine, is that many of the residents are afflicted with 'The Troubles' - strange, supernatural powers that wreak havoc on the town and its inhabitants. But for some reason Audrey is immune to these "Troubles."

Not much else to say about this show, other than I'd like to see it go on for a few more seasons (13 eps per season).

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