Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lucy's "Spartacus"

The first episode aired last Friday night. And it wasn't too bad, it won't be hard to keep watching. There was a lot of CGI blood and dismemberment - arms, legs and heads. Sometimes the blood was overdone - a guy got stabbed in the back with a trident and a bucket of blood filled the screen.

Lots of bare breasts. But only one instance of FFFN (full female frontal nudity). It was the actress Viva Bianca (she plays Ilithyia, the wife of Claudius Glaber (Craig Parker, who was Bellerophon in "To Helicon and Back") ). The other main character who showed her breasts was Erin Cummings (Spartacus' wife). Erin also has been in Bitch Slap, Nip/Tuck, Dollhouse, and a few other shows. And sometime in future episodes frontal male nudity is to be seen, or so I've read.

The episode ran 55 minutes but Lucy didn't show up until 40 minutes. But they had to show how Spartacus got captured.

The story in a nutshell --

Glaber was trying to get Spartacus and his village to join with the Romans to fight another tribe. They agreed, but were mostly "cannon" fodder. The evil tribe was heading toward Spartacus' village, but Glaber wanted them to attack a Greek general and his army in the opposite direction to further Glaber's ambition. They refused and beat up Glaber and left to protect their village.

Spartacus found his wife (although the village was burned to the ground) and they had a good night together (Spartacus' naked butt was shown a few times as he was humping Sura, and we got to see her very nice breasts.) The next morning, Glaber was there with some men, and Sura was enslaved and Spartacus was to be executed in an arena. He ended up defeating four gladiators and was to be sent to the gladiatorial school owned by (Lucy's) husband (that comes next week).

The nude scene(s) of Lucy will be sometime in the next few episodes since it wasn't in this one. It was nice that Lucy wasn't forced to use an American accent. She didn't have much to do in this episode, but I'm sure more of her story will develop as the episodes unfold.

The show was picked up for a second season even before this episode aired, which is good for us Lucy fans, but I'm sure if the ratings aren't there, Starz will pull the plug.


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